Welcome to
Cycling Europe
Matchmaking Event and Expert Talks

After the successful first edition of Cycling Europe last year (https://cycling-europe.b2match.io/), we are bringing to you the next one taking place from 1-31. March 2023 in a hybrid form.
During whole month of March, the participants will have an opportunity to meet their future business and project partners in pre-scheduled b2b meetings.
Topics & Formats
- Functional Clothing/Sportswear (Webinar on 7th March)
- Cycle Tourism (Webinar on 28th March)
- New & innovative Materials (Webinar on 21st March)
- iPRODUCE: Why not a wood bike? - Collaborative and Social Manufacturing for mobility solutions (Webinar on 22nd March)
@CyclingWorld in Düsseldorf (Kaltstahlhalle - booth M3)
- Panel Discussion „Cycling in Cities“
- Workshops on Access to Funding & Thinkbike Workshop
- Key note "Low Car City" by Chris Bruntlett, Dutch Cycling Embassy
- Impulses from Startups @CyclingWorld Fair
Event Partners

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